Form No. | Reporting Information | Due Date |
1099-MISC (Attorney’s fees) | Attorney’s fees 8 substitute payments | Jan. 31 |
1099-R | Retirement plan distributions (including IRAs profit sharing plans) | Feb. 15 |
1099-S (Real Estate) | Information about real estate gales | Jan. 31 |
1099-SA (Distributions) | Distributions from HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA | Jan. 31 For contributions, May 15 |
5498 | Contributions (including a rollover) to any individual retirement account, including a SEP, SIMPLE and Roth IRA | May 31 |
5498-ESA | Contributions to an HSA or Archer MSA and FMV of an HSA, Archer MSA or Medicare Advantage MSA | Jan. 31 |
SSA-1099 | Social Security payments | Jan. 31 |
W-2 | Wages, including sick pay and benefits | Jan. 31 |
W-2G | Gambling winnings | Jan. 31 |
Form No. | Reporting Information | Due Date |
1042-S | Foreign Source Income Reporting | Mar. 15 |
1094-C, 1095-C | Affordable Care Act reporting | Mar. 2 |
1098 | Home mortgage interest | Jan. 31 |
1098-E | Student loan interest | Jan. 31 |
1098-T | Tuition, reimbursements, scholarships, grants | Jan. 31 |
1099-A | Acquisition or abandonment of secured property | Jan. 31 |
1099-B | Sales, barters, and redemptions of securities | Feb. 15 |
1099-C | Cancellation/forgiveness of debt income (incl. mortgages) | Jan. 31 |
1099-DlV | Dividends, capital gains and distributions | Jan. 31 |
1099-G | Govt payments, including tax refunds & unemployment compensation | Jan. 31 |
1099-INT | Interest income | Jan. 31 |
1099-K | Credit card payments in course of trade or business | Jan. 31 |
1099-LTC | Payments under a long term care insurance contract | Jan. 31 |
1099-MlSC (Rents) | Rents & royalties, prizes awards non-employee compensation | Feb. 15 |
Tags: Tax Tips, Tax, Income Tax, San Diego, California
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